
Speech Privacy

Keeping Conversations Private and Secure.

Benefits of Speech Privacy services provided by Glasshouse

Speech privacy is critical in various environments where confidential and sensitive conversations need to be protected from unintended listeners. It is particularly important in offices, healthcare facilities, financial institutions, legal firms, and government agencies. Effective speech privacy measures can include sound masking, acoustic treatments, and strategic office layouts. These measures ensure that conversations remain private, protecting sensitive information and promoting a comfortable and productive environment.

  • Ensures that sensitive conversations and information remain confidential.
  • Helps organizations comply with privacy laws and regulations.
  • Reduces distractions and improves focus in the workplace.
  • Creates a more comfortable and satisfying work environment.

Risk Mitigation

By ensuring that sensitive information is not inadvertently overheard, organizations can better protect their intellectual property and strategic plans.

Legal Protection

Implementing speech privacy measures can be a critical part of an organization’s defense in case of privacy breaches, showing that they have taken necessary steps to protect information.

Enhanced Client Trust

Clients are more likely to trust and feel confident in organizations that take measures to protect their privacy, leading to stronger relationships and loyalty.

Versatile Solutions

Speech privacy measures can be tailored to different environments and specific privacy requirements, from open-plan offices to private consultation rooms.

Our Speech Privacy Solutions let you safeguard your sensitive communications with ease.

Imagine a workplace where confidential discussions stay private, distractions are minimized, and productivity soars. With our cutting-edge technology and expert implementation, you can ensure compliance with privacy regulations, protect your intellectual property, and foster a trust-filled environment. Don’t leave your privacy to chance—secure your conversations with the best in the industry. Choose us for reliable, effective, and comprehensive speech privacy solutions tailored to your specific needs

Secure Every Word: Unmatched Speech Privacy for Complete Confidentiality.

Protecting your sensitive conversations has never been more crucial. Our state-of-the-art speech privacy solutions ensure that every discussion remains confidential, fostering a secure and productive environment. With our expertise, you can confidently comply with regulations, reduce distractions, and build trust with your clients. Choose us for unparalleled speech privacy and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your information is safe.

Initial Consultation and Site Assessment

We discuss the your specific privacy needs and objectives. We identify key areas where speech privacy is essential (e.g., meeting rooms, offices, healthcare spaces). We conduct a thorough site assessment to understand the acoustical environment. Identify potential challenges such as reflective surfaces, noise sources, and layout issues.

System Design and Planning

We perform an acoustic analysis to measure existing noise levels and speech intelligibility. We choose the appropriate speech privacy solutions such as sound masking systems, acoustic panels, or office layouts.We design a plan to ensure comprehensive coverage of the identified areas. We determine the number and placement of sound masking devices or acoustic treatments. We assess power and cabling needs for sound masking devices. Planning for integration with existing systems if necessary.

Quotation and Approval

We provide a detailed proposal including equipment specifications, installation costs, and project timeline. We review the proposal with the client and make necessary adjustments. We obtain client approval to proceed.

Pre/Post Install

Pre- We order all required equipment and materials. Pre-configure and test the equipment (e.g., sound masking devices) to ensure functionality. Scheduling the installation date(s) with the client. We install sound masking devices at the designated locations. Ensuring proper placement and calibration for optimal coverage and effectiveness. We install acoustic panels, baffles, or other treatments to reduce sound reflection and improve speech privacy. We run and secure cables as needed for sound masking devices. We use conduit and other protective measures as needed. We connect sound masking devices to power sources. Integrating the speech privacy system with existing infrastructure if required. We configure sound masking devices to ensure they operate at the correct frequencies and volume levels. Post- We conduct thorough testing to ensure the system effectively reduces speech intelligibility in the target areas. Making any necessary adjustments to device placement, volume levels, and system settings.

Training and Handover

We provide training to the client and their staff on how to use and manage the speech privacy system. Demonstrate how to adjust settings and monitor system performance. We supply user manuals and documentation on system operation and maintenance. We conduct a final walkthrough with the client to ensure satisfaction with the installation.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance

Regular Maintenance: Offer maintenance plans for regular system checks, cleaning, and updates.

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What happens next?

We Schedule a call at your convenience 


We do a discovery and consulting meting 


We prepare a proposal 

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